Roberta & John – Christ Church Calgary Wedding

This one’s fairly short. Roberta and John realized fairly quickly that they were meant to be together. Both parishioners at Christ Church in Elbow Park, there was no debate about where the wedding should be!

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A very special part about this wedding is that this was a third wedding for both of them. Why would that be special? Well, it has to be to go through all this again!

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There ended up being 3 flower girls with a gorgeous rainbow of colours. There were supposed to be 5, but the other two were a bit too young to make it all the way down the aisle!

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Did I mention that the flowers were on point?

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The ceremony was very lighthearted, and everyone had a smile on their face by the time the kiss rolled around.

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The main doors of the church were closed for renovation, but they still made a lovely exit out of the loggia.

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A quick dash off to the side to have some cute time with older people!

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The reception was a whole lot of fun. With their combined families, children and grandchildren, it was surprisingly large! There were lovely tributes from their kids:

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…and cheeky ones from their grandkids!

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There was no doubt that everyone enjoyed the day immensely.

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I was very happy to spend a lovely afternoon with Roberta and John on their wedding day!

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