Melissa & Brendan – Backyard Calgary Wedding

Melissa and Brendan have known each other for most of their lives, so it’s fantastic to see them finally tying the knot!

I’ve known Brendan since grade 3, and I was honoured when they asked me to photograph their wedding. It was extremely special, as Brendan’s father had died the previous summer, and Brendan and Melissa had moved into his beautifully landscaped house. The backyard had a koi pond as well as a large stone area which was perfect for the ceremony.

Melissa and Brendan were both ready go to by the time I got there. 15 minutes before the ceremony, Melissa said “Is everyone here? Can we just go now?”

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I loved the detail on her dress!

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All the while, this loveable cat was wandering around looking stylish as all heck with his kitty sized bow tie!

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Brendan and his guys walked in around the house first, and then Melissa walked out from the bedroom. Fantastic first look!

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Brendan then walked Melissa the rest of the way in.

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The looks they gave each other during the wedding were seriously fabulous.

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The vows were fantastic, too!

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After the exchange of the rings…

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…They had a sand ceremony. I love the symbolism here, and they did such a good job of mixing their sand!

Calgary Backyard Wedding Sand Ceremony

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“Ow! That’s really hard!”

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Just-Married High Fives!

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Melissa and Brendan made this archway for the wedding, and I thought it was a fantastic touch.

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Those familiar with Silver Springs will know the Birthplace Forest, and that’s where the wedding party headed for photos after. Just enough shade to keep us out of the baking August sun!

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Then we all went to Mac’s for some cool, sugary drinks. Have you ever seen that before?

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Overlooking Bowmont Park, they made such a cute couple!

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On to the reception, there were some fantastic personal touches. Brendan home brews beer, and made a special batch as wedding favours, as Melissa designed the labels!

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The anime cake topper was very them, as well.

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And, my personal favorite, the candy bar!

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Did someone say comfy converse for wedding shoes? Stylish, the right colour, and nobody needs to know!

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First dance, and it was so much fun!

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Another fantastic part of the wedding was that the band was the same band that Brendan’s father played in. Brendan took the stage with them for a set toward the end of the night.

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And it was a LOT of fun!

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This was a fun and excellent wedding, and one that I was happy and honoured to shoot!

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